Bold and the Beautiful – Organic - Spyhouse Coffee Roasters
Bold and the Beautiful – Organic - Spyhouse Coffee Roasters

Bold and the Beautiful – Organic

DARKER BLEND – Baker’s Chocolate / Black Walnut / Crème Brûlée

Regular price$21.00

It is reported that up to 70% of all work done on coffee farms is performed by women. In contrast, their legal representation as landowners and association membership tops out at 20% and falls as low as 5% in some countries. This leaves many women and families with sometimes hopeless futures. Bold and the Beautiful is one of Spyhouse's Gender Equity Project coffees, crafted in response to the inequity women face in the global coffee sector.

The mission of Spyhouse’s Gender Equity Project is to increase gender equity and the empowerment of women, in coffee and in our local community, through intentional sourcing practices and sharing of proceeds. We’ve developed year-round coffee offerings that source from women producers, paying these producers a gender-equity premium on top of the quality-based initial price for their coffees. A portion of proceeds from Spyhouse’s Gender Equity coffees are donated to local women’s organizations.

Bold and the Beautiful is a coffee that showcases the versatility of a carefully balanced cup. This coffee is a dark(er) option in our lineup for those looking for a more traditional coffee experience. Being a more classic expression of coffee, it is a great selection for your home or favorite restaurant.