Spyhouse is a Twin Cities roaster and retailer that cultivates relationships with those who share our passion and vision to source, roast, and serve exceptional coffees.

Sourcing & Sustainability
Throughout all of our business decisions and day-to-day operations, we are committed to making choices in support of our environment and society as a whole. While our coffee experience is rooted in our local community, its impact reaches far beyond our cafés.
When sourcing, we search for different varieties and processing techniques that impact the coffee’s flavor and allow these natural variables to change the cup profile, working directly with farmers who cultivate their coffee crop to be its best.
Our focus on farm-direct sourcing gives back to the communities that grow the coffee beans and other resources that our business depends on, so we can continue to deliver artful and innovative coffee experiences to our community.
Roasting coffee requires a tenacious focus on the artistic expression of each individual coffee and the scientific execution of how to master that art. Our team is dedicated to this process, striving toward a high level of excellence in every batch.
Our goal is not to be the best roaster in the world, but to best highlight coffee grown by the best producers across the globe—humbly, clearly, and with respect. We honor the effort of the growers, the land they work, and the flavors they instill in each seed. Our roasting philosophy is an effort to shine the best light possible on these stellar coffees.

We believe in the power coffee has to shape global and local economies, and we strive to be a business that enriches our community. We seek to amplify our impact beyond the walls of our cafés through give back initiatives and partnerships with like-minded brands in our community:
Gender Equity Project
We’ve developed year-round coffee offerings that source from women producers, paying these producers a gender-equity premium on top of the quality-based initial price for their coffees.
We'd love to donate coffee to your event! Fill out our donation form for our community impact team to review. While we can't fulfill every request we receive, we try to help where we can!