Alexander Sanchez / Colombia
Alexander Sanchez is from the village of Palmichal within the Pedegral community of Inza de Cauca. The village is a four to five hour drive over the three-thousand meter mountains from Popayán, the capital of the Cauca Department. The route is under constant rainfall, and landslides commonly block the route. Despite these challenges, and many more, Aleco of Red Fox has been working with the Asorcafe producer association for over ten years; and together, they have built a strong reputation for the producers within the valley. Like each member of the group, Alexander practices careful cherry selection, manual de-pulping, and clean fermentation soaks — ranging between eighteen and twenty-four hours. The association cups all samples within fifteen days of being removed from the raised parabolic driers. These cuppings build community lots, or single producer micro-lots such as this. These careful practices, mixed with a nutrient rich, humid terroir produces a cup marked for having a balance of rich sweetness and complex acidity.
Alexander Sanchez’s cup profile begins with notes of deep red pear, then developing into more complex wine flavors with touches of herbal overtones, reminding us of pinot noir. As it cools, the acidity moves more into the forefront, with delicately bright citric notes of pineapple and mandarin orange. This coffee has great depth, and we really enjoy using it as a single origin espresso, as well as a drip offering. It is the prefect coffee to add complexity to a pastry featuring chocolate and nut.