Las Lajas – Finca La Julia / Costa Rica – Reserve Series
Las Lajas – Finca La Julia / Costa Rica – Reserve Series

Las Lajas – Finca La Julia / Costa Rica – Reserve Series

Cranberry / Chocolate / Winey

Regular price$26.00

The Las Lajas micromill in the Central Valley region is one of the most significant innovative leaders in Costa Rican coffee and beyond. In 2005, Oscar and Francisca Chacón decided to open their own micromill. After two generations of selling their harvested cherries to a cooperative for market price, starting their milling operation came with an intimidating learning curve. The Chacóns took to this challenge with a diligent, systematic approach, and it didn’t take long until they produced some of the most distinctive coffees in the world. Their drive to constantly improve their coffee has led them to create eight honey and natural processing methods, all with their own drying techniques, to highlight the different qualities of the coffee grown on their farms.

Our second offering from Las Lajas comes from the Chacón's La Julia farm and uses the same Alma Negra practice that the San Isidro lot we previously offered uses. After picking, the cherries are first dried in thin layers on raised beds for a week before they are moved to a protected greenhouse patio. There they are spread out in a thin layer to dry in the sun, and at night are raked into a pile which extends the drying process and allows for more complexity of flavor to develop. This process takes around 20-30 days.

Coffee Profile

Flavor Notes: Cranberry / Chocolate / Winey
Oscar + Francisca Chacón
Region: Central Valley
Variety: Caturra
Process: Alma Negra Natural

Coffee Bio

We are excited to be able to offer two unforgettable coffees from Las Lajas. Since both of our Las Lajas offerings have used the same processing and the primary difference is in the farm’s location, it’s a real treat to be able to explore the differences in flavor that can come from a farm that is only a short distance away.