Las Nubes / Colombia
Las Nubes / Colombia

Las Nubes / Colombia

Nectarine / Vanilla / Orange

Regular price$21.00

Though it is only the third largest producer of coffee globally, Colombia is home to maybe the widest variety of flavor profiles available in a single country. Each of its 20 coffee-producing departments contains its own microclimate, which adds unique layers of depth to the processing methods and varieties grown in the region. So much environmental diversity means that any coffee lover can find a coffee from Colombia that they enjoy. Coffees from warmer climates of northern Colombia tend toward a more classic chocolate and nutty profile, while the higher-grown coffees in southern Colombia showcase a brighter acidity along with fruity or floral notes. 

This Caturra variety comes from the Las Nubes farm located in the southwestern department of Huila. Under the direction of  Claudia Samboni, Las Nubes has been recognized for producing some of the best coffees in Colombia and boasts a string of first to third-place medals from 2017-2019 in the Yara Champion Program and Roasters United competitions.

Coffee Profile

Flavor Notes: Nectarine / Vanilla / Orange
Claudia Samboni
Region: Huila
Variety: Caturra AAA
Process: Washed

Coffee Bio

We are drawn to this coffee for its crisp acidity and juicy stone fruit-like sweetness, which is the perfect thirst quencher for a hot summer day.